Thursday, March 17, 2011

Cats, In So Many Words

Zuzu, Dodo, and I grew up with a cat named "Little Girl." When I found her, at the tender age of 8, she weighed less than a pound and fit in your hand. She has since blossomed into a bodacious babe, so the name is more ironic than descriptive.

Exhibit A:
Exhibit B:

Now, Little Girl lives a lavish life with my mom. Because of the size of her body, she has trouble jumping up on beds (her space), but if attempt to help her up, she acts as if she doesn't really need the help. Point is, this cat has got some attitude--not an attitude that results in scratches or bites--just straight 'tude.

Anywho, I was home for approximately 3 seconds this past weekend as it is now my Spring Break. While home, I noticed a new tradition in the world of the big LG. My mom gives Little Girl treats before she goes to bed. On my first night, my mom handed the bag to me and told me to give her the treats in my room (at the other end of the hall). When I went into my room and shook the bag, I saw a sight I had never before seen--Little Girl running (and, by running, I mean trotting) down the hall with excitement, her large belly sweeping the floor as she went.

When telling Dodo, Zuzu, and Sparks of this event, they insisted I get video evidence of this. I was able to do this successfully on my last night. This is really only meant for those who know, and appreciate, the greatness of Little Girl.


  1. oh. my. effing. god.

    i would never have believed it if i hadn't seen it with my own two eyes!

  2. i can't stop watching it! it's like someone proving the existence of big foot. she's never run for or from anything in her life! what's in those treats? crack?

  3. I really needed that. Thank you.
    P.S. James Blake is a genius.

  4. She's all "give meh my damn treats!"

  5. I love how she stops slowing down halfway to Kleine. She defo conserves her energy.
