Tuesday, April 12, 2011

How To Hate An American Quilt

So I know I just did a post about my highly scientific method for making a quilt, but I needed to share the following pictures. I don't know if it was the fact that I was giving a lot of attention to the quilt or what, but my cat, Kipling, basically hates the quilt now. Literally, the second I put it down he tried to body block me from picking it back up. This resulted in some interesting pictures. Again, this post is mostly for Dodo and Kleine...

Kipling had only been living with us one week at this point.
I should have seen the signs. 

Subtly telling me to go screw myself.


Skidding to a halt on top of the quilt.

Sparks trying to help me get a Kipling free picture.
Pretty much he owns this quilt through squatters' rights or something.

You will have nightmares.
And I don't think it's just Kipling who has a problem with the quilt. Our family's dog, Heidi, didn't seem to happy about me working on it either...

Heidi hating on the quilt.

The quilt seemed to depress her more than Kipling, though.

Okay, I am now officially done talking about myself for a while. Also I apologize if any part of these two last posts sounded anything like this, because I do not want to go to there.
