Tuesday, March 22, 2011

In Otter News

Friends, full disclosure time: This is a post basically just about how much I love otters. If you don't like otters, you can take a long walk off a short pier...hopefully into a body of water heavily populated by otters, where you can play together, and frolic, and see what you are missing! Otters are awesome!


I don't really have much to tell you. I just found myself totally thinking about otters today, and then I thought, "self, it's too bad there is no one here who will talk about otters with you." And after that I thought, "you have a blog! you can talk about otters all you want and people will probably ignore it, just like they would in person!"

Let me be clear, I don't want to own an otter as a pet.

I would never do this to you, Otter.
If mean, if Animal Planet's Fatal Attractions has taught me anything it is that wild animals will pretty much freaking kill you, and then eat you, and you can't be mad at them because: IT'S NATURE, YOU GUYS!
Ninja assassin.
There are a bunch of different kinds of otters, and I've never actually seen any variety in person.

Unless these count.
 However, in spite of their differences, all otters are the same kind of cute.

Stop. You're killing me.
Here are a few confirmation videos...

Now I want an otter and a child!

I want to snuggle with all of you!

It's how otters do the Dougie!

Eeeeee! Otters!


update: i am not alone! http://dailyotter.org/


  1. Haha I love this post with all of my being.

  2. this photo is relevant to your interests:

