Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Shitstorm be Brewing

There's some pretty horrendous stuff going on around the blogosphere that pertains to USC. Basically, a numbnut in a frat wrote an email that was disgusting, racist, misogynistic, the whole 9 yards. Now, while the email itself is so upsetting (I felt like crying when I first read it), the response has doubled the effect. It's atrocious, to say the least.

But, I really do not want to do a post on this holy-sweet-mother-of-god-what-is-wrong-with-humanity situation.

What I can tell you is that Lairin Paris and I are perpetually in a mental fetal position as we are writing our theses. [And by writing, what I really mean is chicken-scratching out pages of complete nonsense].

Also, about a week ago, a female coworker rubbed my belly--insinuating that I was pregnant. Upon realizing her mistake, she simply said, "Oh...I guess you've been eating too much pizza." WRONG. I've been eating copious amounts of break-and-bake cookies. That's what my thesis wants and that's what my thesis gets.

So, in sum, I'm not in a happy place and to top it all off, this happened, which spurned this conversation between me and Lairin Paris:


  1. one could ever mistake you for preggers! you are so tine-ay

  2. I don't think anyone understands how much the coffee crop issue upsets me. It's a lot.

    I need my imperialist-exploitation brew. I NEED IT.

  3. The person who said you're pregnant just wishes she were as pretty as you! AND could eat as many break and bake cookies
