Saturday, March 5, 2011

Seriously, that's all I got

While everyone else has all this cool political stuff to talk about and make intelligent interesting points in response to, I got a whole lot of near-nothing. Exciting things that happened today:

1. I went to urgent care because for the past few days I could feel the feathers of a sinus infection working into my skull. The doctor there was probably the best I've ever had at the urgent care -- he was super super nice, really calm and intelligent, and assessed my issues quickly and with care. In addition he asked me about my life, education, etc with real interest. He was a complete professional. Overall, it was probably the loveliest urgent care visit I've ever had in my life. After our chat, as he walked out for a moment to write my prescription, I noticed his (very unique) last name. It was the same last name as a horrible (horrible) dentist I had a few years back. I knew she had a son because I was doing research on her to file a complaint with the Better Business Bureau, and his name popped up. The spiel: she charged me $1k for a crown when I should have gotten it for about $100, by having me sign form with a barely visible note saying this was a non-necessary procedure. Then she drilled INTO my tongue while I was numbed and I could hardly eat for a week. I got in a huge argument with her over the phone about this and told her I wanted it all free of charge, which didn't fly. Instead she gave me a free filling which, upon inspection by my excellent new dentist, is apparently a really shitty filling that I'll need to have replaced relatively soon. Clearly this was done intentionally. It was awful. My anger for her was so great she is probably in my top 5 people I dislike intensely. But then her son was this...super nice, professional, great doctor! It was kind of amazing. How did she produce this person?? Her womb made him? Really? Maybe she's not so horrible. Or maybe she's a better mother than a dentist. So that kind of made my day.

2. I found this little itty teeny bulb in an old pot that I had neglected for months and saw it wasn't dead, so I started "forcing" the bulb with some pebbles in a shot glass a few months ago. During the night (somehow) it shot up a bud! Wow!
I'm excited about it anyway.

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